Backlog grooming, also known as backlog refinement, is an essential practice in Agile project management. It involves regularly reviewing and refining the backlog, which is a prioritized list of tasks or user stories that need to be completed during a project.
In the world of product development, two crucial roles often come up product owners and product managers. While these titles may sound similar, they actually represent distinct roles with different responsibilities.
We take a deep dive into why allowing customers to vote on features could be harmful to your product
Customer feedback can help you create a better product, inform you of changes your customers would like to see and it can improve your marketing strategy.
Do you know someone in product management you admire for their ability to get results? How are they seemingly able to do so much more with their time?
When you achieve the ultimate product-market fit, what you have to offer can have the same effect; thousands of hungry hands stretch out to get a hold of your product. So much so that your company is barely able to keep up with demand.
Every product manager knows the right features make a product shine. But when product feature requests pour in from customers, it's easy to mistakingly implement solutions that don’t address the customer's real needs
A marketing sales funnel describes the psychological journey a lead must experience before they feel confident enough to make a purchase. Your goal is to guide them through the sales process gently, so they are always getting closer to buying what you're offering.
Quick update on how Suggested is improving, and providing you with a better experience of collecting feedback from your customers
We're doing some online shopping to buy something we need or that caught our interest. We add it to the cart, yet we never push the "complete order" button at check out.
Why tracking analytics is important for your business
There are tremendous benefits to public product roadmaps. This post outlines four ways that sharing what's happening with your product can transform your business.
How do you create a solid product strategy to minimize the risk of failure? Read on to find out.
As a product manager, do you feel like you're swimming in a sea of stress and overwhelm? You're always putting out fires and working on urgent but unimportant things. As a result, the needle never moves towards what really matters.
Companies offering live customer service chats are on the rise, and customers are loving it. In fact, customers have come to prefer live chats as their medium of choice when it comes to connecting with companies.
Instagram is a network that many B2B companies struggle with - particularly in the software space.
For business owners, feedback from customers is often an immediate action that is straight to the point and actionable. Customers might complain about pricing.
There are three main facets of the customer feedback experience that technology can play a major factor in: collection, interpretation, and action. There are multiple product toolkits that utilize existing customer feedback to make important business decisions
Surveys and customer feedback might seem similar, but there are a few key differences
How much (or little) does it cost to run a SaaS startup?
Why customer feedback collection should be an important process in your business
As a business do your customers really care if their feedback is being considered.
When it comes to building software products, eating your own dog food is a competative advantage